About the school

Edendale farm, Nooitgedacht, originally belonged to the Murray family. In the early 1900’s the wife
of a German missionary who had settled on a section of the farm established a school. And even after the mission ceased to exist, the school continued under the Bantu Education Department. When Anglo American bought the farm from Murray in the late 80’s, it was transformed into a facility which provided matric qualifications for previously disadvantaged individuals, as well as in-service training for under-qualified teachers. The mission school remained.

All though the facility flourished and received numerous donations from sponsors, it was not equipped to manage the primary school. The school (which only had 50 pupils at the time) was privatised and in 1991 Edendale Independent School was established. By 1999 the school already enrolled just under 400 learners. And then, after years of negotiations, the campus as well as the farm was donated to Edendale Independent School. The school later became part of the Doxa Deo Group – an organization already familiar with the development of schools, churches and skills training centers. Because children had to travel to town in order to attend high school, the need for a school within the community itself emerged. And so, in 2001, Edendale High School was established.

The Edendale School
Zambesi Drive (Sefako Makgatho Drive)
Cullinan Road
R513 East
Nooitgedacht Farm
S25deg 47.876'
E028deg 20.207'

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